Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Written by Jodee McCabe    
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 19:00

It has been awhile since my last update and several of you have called or emailed to see how Dan was doing.  He has been doing really well.  We have been so blessed to have had this time in NY to enjoy the beauty here, to visit with good friends and to be away from doctors and appointments.  BUT.....the time has come to return to Cincinnati  for further treatment.

We will be leaving here early (as early as fall fog allows) tomorrow (Wed.) morning. We are making a stop in Columbus because our daughter, Megan, is having surgery that afternoon.  She had this procedure scheduled before her lung surgery, but it had to be postponed until she was able to have the lung surgery and heal from it.

This procedure is to deal with endometriosis.  (for you non-medical types out there, endometriosis is the formation of cysts all around the reproductive organs that causes pretty severe pain and if left untreated, CAN case infertility. )   They hope to do what needs doing through a laparoscope, which would make it an outpatient procedure but I guess about 1 out of 5 cannot be accomplished by that method and requires a more traditional surgical approach, which would mean regular surgery and 2 nights in the hospital.

LATER: (5 a.m. Thurs.)

Dan will have 3 appts. tomorrow.  He begins with an MRI at 9 a.m.  When that is completed we have an appt. with the neurosurgeon and we'll get the results of the MRI right then.  In the early afternoon, we will see his oncologist, discuss the results with him and decide on the next steps.  If all is well, Dan will begin the second round of chemo on Monday.  If, on the other hand,  they don't like the results from the radiation procedure he had in July or if there are new lesions in the brain, then they will have to come up with plan B.  My guess is it would be a second radiation treatment with more anti seizure meds before he will have more chemo.  We are so hoping that can be avoided.

If the results of prayer were merely cause and effect..., well, then, I'm certain Dan would be completely well right now ( and actually, he looks and feels pretty well at the moment) because all of you have been so faithfully praying for him and for us.  But we know that God has multiple purposes in our praying; much of it having to do between Him and the pray-er.  So, as once again I ask you to pray for Megan and to pray for Dan (and for me),  we are praying that God will use all of the praying you are doing for us, in your lives as well; to bless you, to draw you into a more intimate relationship with Him and to increase your faith and trust.

Thank you, THANK YOU for sharing this journey with us; for your compassion, your love and your support.

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